​​​​​​Organizational Charts

In conjunction with the Office of the State Budget Director (OSBD), the Personnel Cabinet is actively involved in the review and finalization of agency reorganizations. This includes implementing the resulting changes within the Kentucky Human Resource Information System (KHRIS). As part of implementation, the Personnel Cabinet also maintains organizational charts which depict each agency's current hierarchy/structure. 

See below for available charts, accessible and printable in Adobe format. 

NOTE: Some cabinets require more than one chart to accurately depict their structure. This is apparent when a cabinet chart (below) is opened and an agency name is highlighted in yellow. That difference in color indicates a hyperlink to an additional chart is available. Once that hyperlink is selected, the main cabinet chart is replaced with a secondary chart. You can return to the main cabinet chart by using the browser's Back button. 

Note: Charts are updated upon implementation of a reorganization via an Administrative or executive level changes approved by the General Assembly.

Contact Us
 If you have questions about these charts, please contact us at 502.564.5300.
